Source-Odyssey Ltd was a joint venture principally between Jack Lawson and Stephen Lamb. They bought all the rights to the MRM Source turntable from Mike Moore. They set about making it at the premises of D.Lamb & Co Ltd., a family firm specialising in pipework engineering based at Curle Street, in Whiteinch, Glasgow, and the new company started production in 1988.
A previous contract to make the RP1 in Hong Kong having lapsed, I agreed to them making a version of my arm under licence, and drew up a revised set of drawings.
All dimensions were metricated, and in the process I made many subtle and not so subtle changes, both technical and aesthetic, to the design, including dispensing with the removable arm tube, but retaining the facility to adjust azimuth. There were two counterweights instead of three (140g and 40g) and were of smaller diameter with larger chamfers, and the counterweight sleeve longer. The bearings changed to 13mm diameter for horizontal movement and 11mm for vertical. The later base plates had angled corners. There were other minor changes resulting from the change to metric sizes.
Some early Source-Odyssey arms used a mix of old and new parts.
The picture below is an early arm with only some changes eg counterweight.

I bought the stock of tonearm parts from the receiver in 1992, and continued to make arms for a while, as Odyssey Tonearms, until most of the stock was used up. I subsequently also made some Gold Signatures, but after 1997 no hifi items until over 10 years later. Then some parts turned up...